Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Search for info
on Invasive Species
in Northern Ireland

Species Alert
Species Alerts
American lobster
Homarus americanus
Asian clam
Corbicula fluminea
Asian hornet
Vespa velutina
Carpet sea squirt
Didemnum vexillum
Chinese mitten crab
Eriocheir sinensis
Myocastor coypus
Egyptian goose
Alopochen aegyptiacus
North American signal crayfish
Pacifastacus leniusculus
Oak Processionary Moth
Thaumetopoea processionea
Pacific Pink Humpback Salmon
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Quagga mussel
Dreissena rostriformis bugensis
Procyon lotor
Ring - necked or rose - ringed parakeet
Psittacula krameri
Ruddy duck
Oxyura jamaicensis


Welcome to Invasive Species Northern Ireland

Invasive non-native plant and animal species are the second greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide after habitat destruction. They can negatively impact on native species, can transform habitats and threaten whole ecosystems causing serious problems to the environment and the economy.

From here, users can still find information on a range of species, policy related to individual species or groups of species, and practical advice to deal with species that threaten the biodiversity and economy of Northern Ireland.

Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to the environment but with your help we can make a difference.

Why not follow our page today and keep informed about invasive species issues in Northern Ireland?


The Shared Island Biosecurity and Invasive Species Forum gets underway on 11th November 2024

FAQs about the Invasive Alien (Enforcement and Permitting) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019
‘Gardening without harmful invasive plants’ published for Invasive Species Week 2022

Invasive Species Northern Ireland

Invasive Species Northern Ireland