Report a Sighting

Enter your invasive species sightings here;

Or use the iRecord app (iOS and Android). See how quick and easy it is to submit a sighting.

To report a sighting in Republic of Ireland please visit

Importance of submitting invasive non-native species (INNS) through an official reporting system. 

Records of INNS help us to understand how many are present in Ireland and the rate at which they are spreading. This data can be used to produce species distribution maps, for example on the NBN NI website. Assessing the current trend of a particular INNS can provide key information in future national or locally funded eradication projects.

Using official reporting systems act as an early detection of INNS. This is of particular importance if an alert species species is reported, which may require a rapid response to prevent future problems from developing.

See how quick and easy it is to submit a record using the iRecord App.

When submitting a report, if possible please include photographs. Ideally include;

    1. close-up photograph showing key identification features to help with verification of the species
    2. another photograph showing some spacial reference, e.g. path, bridge, building etc., to help confirm the exact location.
Invasive Species Northern Ireland

Invasive Species Northern Ireland