Are you a Retailer and want to help your customers Be Plant Wise?
Welcome to the Be Plant Wise campaign!
We all know that ponds can be a great addition to any garden and create a wonderful feature to be enjoyed all year round. However, if they aren’t cared for properly some pond plants can take over your customer’s ponds. They can also become established in the wild and cause severe damage to the environment. The Be Plant Wise campaign is designed to help you educate your customers about the problems caused by invasive aquatic plants, to encourage customers to seek your advice on the most suitable plants for their pond and to promote better pond management.
If customers choose plants that are better suited to their garden pond and take care to dispose of all aquatic plants responsibly it will help us prevent the spread of invasive aquatic plants.
The following links contains a number of items for you to use to communicate the Be Plant Wise campaign. You are encouraged to print these posters and display them prominently where your customers will see them when purchasing aquatic plants.
You may also like to guide them to the Plantlife Aquatics publication which provides suggestions for aquatic plants that are not invasive. There are also similar publications for Gardening and Landscaping without the use of non-native invasive species.
Here are some ideas on how to use these items: