Invasive plants and animals harm the environment, block waterways, clog equipment, and can be costly to manage. They can be small and hard to spot so are easily spread on damp equipment and clothing. Once established they become extremely difficult and expensive to eradicate, which is why it is so important to prevent their spread in the first place.
Below are some suggested actions that can help protect the water bodies you manage or use.
Educate your members and visitors:
- Ask them to follow Check Clean Dry guidance before they arrive, and after they leave the water.
- Find guidance for anglers, boaters and paddlers here.
- Display Check Clean Dry signs at entrances / exits to the water to remind them.
- Give them Check Clean Dry leaflets.
- Nominate a Check Clean Dry champion to improve biosecurity.
- Include information in your magazines, bulletins and newsletters.
- Include a link to on your website.
- Create social media content educating your followers about Check Clean Dry and invasive plants and animals. Follow Invasive Species Ireland to keep up-to-date on invasive species issues in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
Help them to follow Check Clean Dry:
- Limit access to water bodies, preferably to a single point where Check Clean Dry signs are displayed. Visitors should log in and out, confirming that they have cleaned and inspected their equipment.
- Install cleaning facilities at access points if you can.
- If possible, provide equipment that can be borrowed and used in club waters instead of personal equipment (e.g. trailers for boaters, nets and drogues for anglers).
- Put Check Clean Dry stickers on any club-owned equipment to remind users to follow the guidance.
- Consider additional measures for competitions and events.
Hard copies of posters and leaflets may be available, please contact us for further information.
Poster or sign for events, clubs and managers of waterbodies
Posters or signs
Coarse angling
Check Clean Dry
Game angling
Inland waterways and canal boating
NIEA Biosecurity
NIEA Water User Biosecurity poster or sign
Inland waterways and canal boating
Pocket ID guide
Field guide
Check Clean Dry Sticker