- Watch out for invasive species: ID Guide to Marine Invasive Species in Northern Ireland
- When diving inspections are made to check the physical integrity of submerged marine infrastructure – commercial divers could take the opportunity to undertake a biofouling survey – if video or photographs are taken load them up to iRecord App for expert verification
- Also report any heavily fouled vessels observed, there could be invasive species present
- Do not interfere with invasive species: fragments can break off and can be carried to new areas- If sampling species ensure that no fragments are lost
- Photograph species in-situ to aid accurate identification
6. When you have finished your dive:
- Remove all plant, animal debris that may have become lodged on your diving equipment – even tiny plant fragments could be home to larvae of invasive species
- Be careful that no hitchhikers tag along when you leave the water
- Ensure that any animal and plant material found is disposed of in the bin where it can not return to the aquatic environment
- Ensure mud is washed off your wetsuit with freshwater and that your suit is allowed to dry for a period of 48 hr before moving to another water body. – remember that some invasive species can be/have microscopic life stages and are invisible to the naked eye
- Dry your diving equipment for as long as possible after diving near or in an infected waterbody
- Report all suspected sightings online @Centre for Environmental Data & Recording (CEDaR)– Or via the iRecord App