Site Management Resources

The page highlights some of the available management measures and resources used to control and eradicate invasive non-native species (INNS). Any management of INNS must be put in place on a site-specific bases. Following some best practice publications (Including the Invasive species Ireland & DEFRA publications) will not always achieve the desired results on your site, e.g. recommend months and dates may have to be adjusted to take climate change and local weather patterns into consideration. 

Legislation mentioned in the following resources may not necessarily apply to Northern Ireland, i.e. it may relate to GB or Ireland. Not all legislation may be listed and will inevitably change from time to time. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that they are aware of and follow all legislation relevant to work carried out and any changes to it. 

The information on this pages relates to a range of INNS found in Northern Ireland. The following species have dedicated management resources pages;  

Article 19 – Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Terrestrial Plants)

The NIEA Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Terrestrial Plants) was produced to help highlight some of the key information that must be considered when developing management measures for a Widely Spread Species . The accompanying guidance notes provides a summary of some of the available management measures which should be used to complete the questionnaire. 

Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Terrestrial Plants)



Accompanying Notes for American skunk cabbage Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire

Accompanying Notes for giant hogweed Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire

Accompanying Notes for giant rhubarb Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire

Accompanying Notes for Himalayan Knotweed Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire

Accompanying Notes for Himalayan balsam Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire




Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Aquatic Plants)

The NIEA Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Aquatic Plants) was produced to help highlight some of the key information that must be considered when developing management measures for a Widely Spread Species . The accompanying guidance notes provides a summary of some of the available management measures which should be used to complete the questionnaire. 

Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Aquatic Plants)

Accompanying Notes for Widely Spread Species Management Measures Questionnaire (Aquatic weeds)

Advisory Notes for Producing Widely Spread Species Management Measures

Advisory Notes for Himalayan Balsam Management

Advisory Notes for Giant Hogweed Management

Advisory Notes for Giant Rhubarb Management

Advisory Notes for American Skunk Cabbage Management

Advisory Notes for Aquatic Plant Management

Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum Standing Operating Procedures

The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) was established to bring together statutory and non-statutory organisations as well as representatives of country parks, private landowners and local volunteer organizations dedicated to protecting the red squirrel in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) agrees that grey squirrel control is carried out as a necessary part of the management prescription for the conservation of red squirrels. This standing operating procedure has been created to act as a guide to anyone who wishes to undertake grey squirrel control for conservation or tree protection reasons. The guide references Northern Ireland legislation (The Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order (Northern Ireland) 2019) although similar principles apply across the UK and Ireland.

The following organisations have management resources available on their websites for a range of invasive non-native species;

IUCN datasheets provide management measures for species included on the ‘list of Union Concern’ including;

A list of available IUCN datasheets can be viewed here

RAPID (Reducing and Preventing IAS Dispersal) LIFE – Good Practice Management Documents
Giant hogweed Himalayan balsam Japanese knotweed American skunk cabbage
Floating pennywort Curly waterweed Parrot’s feather New Zealand pygmyweed

Carpet sea squirt

Slipper limpet Pacific oyster Zebra mussel
Pirri-pirri bur American mink Slider terrapin  
Scotland’s centre of expertise for waters (CREW) – Methods for controlling or eradicating aquatic species – 2017


Scottish Natural Heritage – Literature review on methods of control and eradication of Canadian pondweed and Nuttall’s pondweed in standing waters – 2011


The Property Care Association offer invasive non-native species guidance to homeowners including; 

Guidance Note – Management of Himalayan balsam


Guidance Note – Management of Giant hogweed



Japanese knotweed

Code of Practice – Managment of Japanese Knotweed


A Homeowners Guide to Japanese Knotweed


Guidance Note – Root Barrier and Japanese Knotweed Remediation


Guidance Note – Revegetation following Invasive Non-Native Weed Management


Guidance Note – Safe and Effective Excavation and Burial


Warning signs

NIEA – Japanese knotweed – Do Not Cut sign

NIEA –  Giant hogweed Avoid Contact sign

Invasive Species Northern Ireland

Invasive Species Northern Ireland