The risk assessment undertaken by Invasive Species Ireland identified a number of species that are high risk invasive species to the island of Ireland. A number of these organisms are known to contaminate equipment and vessels or are capable of surviving in water and/or fouled ropes and chains that are moved from one water body to another. Some of these mechanisms are quite obvious to the casual observer while others can go unseen and unnoticed until an impact is observed in a new area.
Invasive Species in Ireland aims to reduce the threat from these species through different mechanisms including recommending legislative provisions, development of the Invasive Species Code of Practice for Water Users and targeted education and awareness initiatives.
Threat: Impact on aquaculture and fisheries, protected species and marine ecosystem functioning
Status: Established invasive species
Photo credit: USGS
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Threat: Fisheries, protected species and marine ecosystem functioning
Status: Established invasive species
Photo credit: GB NNSS |
Rapana venosa
Common name: Asian rapa whelk Threat: Threatens marine ecosystem functioning Status: Potential invasive species Photo credit: Argyo Zenetos |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Common name: Floating pennywort Threat: Clogs waterways and negatively impacts on native species and ecosystems Status: Established invasive species Photo credit: John Early Find out more Google search Google image search |
Dreissena polymorpha Common name: Zebra mussel Threat: Fouling, negative impacts on native species and local extinction of unionids Status: Established invasive species Photo Credit: GB NNSS Find out more Google search Google image search |
Cercopagis pengoi Common name: Fishhook waterflea Threat: Threatens native ecosystems and species Status: Potential invasive species Find out more Google search Google image search |
A summary of the recommended actions in the Marina Operators Code of Practice can be found using the following links:
You can download the Marina Operators Code of Practice parent document from the following link:
Also the Rapid Assessment of Marinas for Invasive Alien Species in NI at this one;